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Holy Family Primary School, Omagh

Autumn in Reception

18th Oct 2023

Making potions in our mud kitchen
Making potions in our mud kitchen
story time on Happy Hill
story time on Happy Hill
A witch!
A witch!
We love dressing up!
We love dressing up!
Our first pumpkin!
Our first pumpkin!
Scissor skills!
Scissor skills!
Mixing paint
Mixing paint
Painting time
Painting time
Scary costumes
Scary costumes
Who is this?
Who is this?
We love dressing up!
We love dressing up!
Our first pumpkin!
Our first pumpkin!
Fitness Freddie!
Fitness Freddie!
Using big brushes and black paint!
Using big brushes and black paint!
Using big brushes and black paint!
Using big brushes and black paint!
craft time
craft time
Dancing time
Dancing time
Using big brushes and black paint!
Using big brushes and black paint!
story time
story time
dancing to music
dancing to music
trike time
trike time
say cheese
say cheese
a big cauldron
a big cauldron
rain water and sand
rain water and sand
lots of pots
lots of pots
chocolate icecream
chocolate icecream
Davy has made us a new snack table
Davy has made us a new snack table
climbing on crates
climbing on crates
Mixing primary colours
Mixing primary colours
Making mummies!
Making mummies!
Green playdough with spiders!
Green playdough with spiders!