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Holy Family Primary School, Omagh

🌲💦 A rainy day at Forest School! 💦🌲

21st Feb 2025
Today, the rainy weather certainly did not dampen the spirits of our Year 1 girls and boys at Forest School. 💦 As we took shelter in the polytunnel, the children retold the story of The 3 Little Pigs. We discussed the properties of the materials the pigs used to make their houses. Afterwards, (when the rain had eased a little) we ventured outside and the children completed a touchy/ freely scavenger hunt, searching for different textures around the school garden. They found a range of different textures in the natural environment around them, E.g smooth, rough, bumpy, spongy, furry, thickly. 👏👏
Of course, they couldn’t resist exploring the puddles too! 💦