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Holy Family Primary School, Omagh

Magnificent Minibeasts πŸžπŸŒπŸ›πŸœ

2nd May 2024

⭐Yesterday our wonderful Year 3 children put on some old trainers, took out their magnifying glasses and clipboards and transformed into investigators!  πŸ”πŸ”πŸ”Our little investigators searched for lots of magnificent minibeasts on Happy Hill. πŸžπŸŒπŸ›πŸœ

⭐No stone was left unturned (quite literally).  Well done Year 3. It was so lovely to see how you could work as a team!  “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much!”

⭐We can’t wait to learn more about these mighty creatures throughout the next few weeks of term 3.